TechnoManiacs: How to start a blog
Showing posts with label How to start a blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to start a blog. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 October 2016

My Blogging Journey - Valuable Lessons that Blogging has Taught me

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Whether you are sitting at your home or office desk, this post is for every other person who has ever once thought about blogging, you might be a beginner or a Pro-blogger with exceptional expertise. Before we start with my "Blogging Journey" I would suggest you grab a cup of Tea or Coffee (whatever you feel good) because it would be a long read...(But Pretty Interesting and really worth investing your time in)...Trust me I won't dissapoint  you !!!

So here we go, Few Years Ago I had heard this word called “Blog" many times but never ever thought about even going into depth, because my thinking was always at Superficial level .....Still today (that is as of February 2016) I have people around me who don't even know what a blog is !!! 
Don't be Surprised, infact I think twice before asking a person about Blogs and Blogging or Rather questions about whether you should go about with " or /blogger platform" and some other questions on the similar lines, but I got shocked when people around me started asking me "What is Blog" and what is Blogging ??? (facepalm) 

We are in 2016, I never ever made any resolutions in my life as long as 15 years..........because it was pretty simple....A New Year would start - then people around me used to ask me Hey Nikhil What's your New Year's Resolution ... And everytime I had no concrete answer!!!
My Resolutions would be like "I won't commit any sins for the whole year" (that might sound a bit funny, silly -  rather weird, but that was back in 2000, as time and years progressed my Resolutions started sounding of a bit of mature level - 2007 onwards till 2014 and 2015 ---- but the Baseline always remained the same, I would make a resolution like "I will go to Gym and have a Good Physique", "I will Study Hard and get Good Marks"... and many others ... everytime I would make resolutions which seemed to be very much possible, but after one week or so, I used to give up and at times I had completely forgotten that I had made a resolution at the beginning of the year --- this scenario happened year after year, and the outcome everytime was either almost same or exactly the same as previous year.

This time around i.e (2016 - The Beginning of a new year) I said to myself - enough is enough Either I don't make a resolution or if I make one, I make sure that I follow and Implement to the fullest extent.

And it took me 15 long years to understand the Real Definition of "New Year's Resolution" (that's pretty long time I guess!!!)

I even made a joke of myself by saying things like
"This time around I will make myself less useless as compared to previous years"
"I pray to god that Your problems will Last as long as your New Year's Resolution" 

So this time around I paused for a while and said to myself "Atleast now in 2016 I need to make a resolution that I would follow for the whole year and make my life worth Living!!!
that is what resolutions are meant for - I guess

So I made a Resolution in 2016 that "I will start a blog and Make a Full-fledged" youtube channel" and think of 
"Making Money Online".......... This resolution was made without any kind of thought

Wordle for blogging
Earlier wayback in 2014 and 2015 I had heard about but I didn't scratch my head too much over it... They say, Everything has a proper time for it to happen  

During the end of 2015 I was even thinking of starting of a Youtube Channel -- even before thinking of blogging, I am a good keyboard player so I thought why not make Youtube videos for Beginners about Easy to play Hindi Songs on keyboard, infact I Had even researched a lot about "Unique Name Ideas for Youtube Channel", but I had to face lots of Difficulties.
  • No sufficient time for making Videos
  • Excessive Internet Usage Required for Uploading Videos and many others
So i had almost given up on the Idea of making a youtube channel, but I have now revived this Idea and the thought of Blogging and Making Money Online by Blogging and the Youtube Monetization Program

So I began my Research on "How to Start a Blog" and "Beginner's Guide to Blogging"